Common Tasks
Writing Images to SD Card or USB Flash Drive
For many supported boards are implemented build TanoWrt images, aimed to run from SD card or USB flash drive. In this section you can find description of how to write these images to SD card or USB flash drive respectively.
Using Linux
Use the dd utility to write the binary images to the SD card or USB flash drive. This can be an bootable SD card or USB flash images intended to boot and run TanoWrt or initial factory installation images.
Usually TanoWrt images intended for writing to
SD cards have the extension .sdcard.img
And images intended to write to USB flash drive have
the extension .wic
For example, writing bootable image for Boardcon EM3568 board to SD card:
$ sudo dd if=~/tanowrt/build/tanowrt-glibc/deploy/images/boardcon-em3568-sd/twimg-default-boardcon-em3568-sd.sdcard.img \
of=/dev/mmcblk1 \
Where /dev/mmcblk1
is the device name of the SD card.
Another example, write bootable image for MBM 2.0 board to USB flash drive:
$ sudo dd if=~/tanowrt/build/tanowrt-glibc/deploy/images/mbm20/twimg-default-mbm20.wic \
of=/dev/sdc \
Where /dev/sdc
is the device name of the USB flash drive.
Before you can disconnect the media (SD card or USB flash drive) from the PC, you must force immediate writing of all cached data to media (sync command) or unmount it.
Writing of all cached data to disks:
$ sync
Unmounting drive (/mnt/mmcblk1
in this example):
$ sudo umount /mnt/mmcblk1
In the case of unmounting, it is not necessary to use the sync command. When unmounting, the all cached data are automatically flushed to the drive.
Using Windows
For writing SD card or USB flash drive under Windows we recommend to use PassMark imageUSB utility.
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